Libertango - Altstadtzauber 2017

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Stage 5
(Dr. A.-Lemisch-Platz)
17:00 - 18:45


The musicians
Sigrid Gerlach (Akkordeon, Gesang)
Sabine Linecker (Kontrabass, Gesang)
Michael Brandl (Gitarre)
Geri Sauberer ( Schlagzeug)
After 20 years of active playing this ensemble got its unique style, unmistakable, authentic ...
Each of the musicians has his & her own variety of repertoire, vividness and a humor in performing meets precision and emotional playing ... all mixed to a cocktail of "Melange of the substantial" ...
It´s the drive of Jazz Manouche, the fiery temparament of the songs of the gipsy Roma, the erotical messages of Tango Argentino - all of these genres & styles has a magical influence to the audience.
Well made arrangements give chance for improvisation or unexpected changes.
LIBERTANGO works for various projects with various musicians, dancers, actors from Austris, Spain and Argentina with great success over more than 20 years.
11th & 12th of August 2017
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