Get ready to save some dates this coming summer 2019 as The Australian troubadours of live electronic music
‘Loonaloop’ have confirmed they are coming back! Each European tour so far, the band, in their trusty Loona Van,
clock up approximately 11,000km in travel, (the circumference of the moon) spreading their music and great vibes
around, appearing at all sorts of fantastic music and cultural festivals.
This year marks their 14th European tour, which Loonaloop will kick off at the world famous Glastonbury Music
Festival in the UK (invited back for the 7th time!), unleashing some fresh and exciting tracks into their set.
Recently Loonaloop took out the NCIES Music Awards in Australia for Best Electronic Song. Their music film clip
‘Time To Fly’ was also featured in Byron Bay International Film Festival. Originally formed in Australia, Loonaloop
have been active on the international club and festival circuit since early 2003. They have a vibrant
history as artists, around headlining and performing at innumerable festivals around the globe
independently selling close to 10,000 albums. With a passionate love of music, performing, touring and 6
albums to draw from, Loonaloop are excited and enthused to be touring again this coming summer 2019.
Taking their name from the historical and miraculous Apollo 13 mission where NASA astronauts literally did a
loop around the moon to save the mission, Lonaloop is ever proud and blown away to be able to travel across
the Earth to play on some of Europe’s most renowned stages!