Ballettzentrum Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
Paulitschgasse 11 am Domplatz
September 2015 this dancing-school was founded in the center of Klagenfurt. Top of the list - as the name shows - is the classical Ballett. From 3rd year of age the youngsters can start with Pre-Ballett-Training.
After the age of 6 a combination of Jazz & Ballett is tought. After primary-school-age the courses for Ballett, Contemporary and Jazz start. Specially for boys we offer the Breakdance-Crew, also there are Yoga- and HipHop-kids.
Ballett is good for development, expressiveness and self-confidence!
Our Offers
Moderner Kindertanz
Pre Ballett
Kinder Jazz Ballett
Klassisches Ballett
Spitzentanz - Point
Modern Dance
Jazz Dance
Kurse für Erwachsene
Challenges & Awards
Austrian Dance Cup Bad Ischl3x - 1. Place4x - 2. Place2x - 3. PlaceSpecial PricesHöchst-Punktezahl Bewerb: 91,33Outstanding Dancer JuniorenASDU 20162 dances -> 5 awards !!!1. Place Ballett1. Place ModernDiamant Modern SoloHighest PointsFUTURE TALENT